Good Evening

byf / dfi


about me

Song Recommendations

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byf / dfi

i'm not only tweets about K-Pop in this twt account, sometimes i post abt my personal things, spam rt and likes (esp au), keysmashes, a lot of capslock and curshing in my tweets
starts drama, hates my faves and my friends for no reasons, homophobic, racist

about me

name : Cherry
pronouns : She/Her
birthday : 11-17
location : INA
languages : Indonesia, English
zodiac, MBTI : Scorpio, INFJ

Song Recommendations

ATEEZ - Be With U
ATEEZ - Turbulence
ATEEZ - Mist
JUKJAE - Lullaby
Jung Jaewon - Night Poem
IU - Love Poem
TULUS - Monokrom
TULUS - Sewindu


love spicy and sweet food, talk a lot when I am comfortable with someone, in love with sea and if you need someone to talk, feel free to contact me. just remember that you're not alone and keep that smiley face darlin'